Saturday, November 4, 2017

Loads of work happening around our farm. Bareroot trees all planted. Most flowered for spring but the rest I will just have to wait until next spring. For some reason or another though 3 of my chanticleer Pears did not open. I have been watching them each week thinking something is going happen. They still havent died yet. I think they may have to be pulled out and replaced next winter. Vegetable garden is coming together. The chicken house has taken on another role for now, It houses plants that I have propagated for my top garden that will eventually be an open garden..One of my dreams that Im working towards. I have been busy making items for my new online store. Linen cushion covers. There is a few other ideas that Im working on as well.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

We are settling quite well on our new Farm...Well almost farm, soon we will get some animals to roam in her beautiful paddocks. Gardening will commence soon in the front paddock. This will be the beginnings to my dream business. Today whilst working in my Atlier I looked out upon our Olive tree and decided to pick some branchs to display in the lounge room. Enjoy Tania..

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Moving along nicely in settling in. It has been around 5 weeks or so now and we have come along way in the clean up and gardening. I have already started new gardens and planted out many trees and plants with still many more to go. We were lucky enough to inherit a small orchard of various fruit trees along with a wild blackberry bush...well actually many. The inside has been painted which on its own has made a massive difference. Eventually the bathroom and kitchen will have a new makeover but for now we are making do. This morning I tackled the blackberry problem and ripped out many of its spreading offspring.
They have a beautiful little blossom flower but are covered in many thorns.
Along the front of cottage was a massive garden bed pulled up with a smaller garden filled with seeds of hollyhock and foxglove.
A very large potager, with 12 large garden beds and a cherry tree island garden.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Amungst all the hustle and bustle of packing to make our big move soon I wanted to take alittle time out to soak up the spring here in Tasmania. It really is just beautiful. The blossoms are in full swing here. The birds chirping away and working hard to build nests for the future offspring. Just down the road is this lovely row of pink blossom trees.I think they may be a plum but not to sure. Enjoy...

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Welcome to my new blog for The Old French Doors. I was having issues with the last one and decided to open a new one and start a fresh. I will try and tend to this blog at least once a week if time permits. Here I would like to make somewhat of a journal about a new journey we are about to take on 30 acreas of land out in the country. There I will create a garden that I hope to someday open for people to see and A small homewares shop.
There are currently animals residing on the grounds but we are going to get a small menagerie of animals (not wild) for the farm oneday.
The lovely big rocks will be made a feature of. So please join me on this journey. I will post here photos of the process and home ideas.